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Biomedical Image Technologies


Thesis and Masters


    • Carlos Castro González. Computational methods to create and analyze a digital gene expression atlas of embryo development from microscopy images (2013). PhD Thesis with european mention


    • Angelos Kyriazis. 3He magnetic resonance imaging for the quantification of disease in the rat lung (2012). PhD Thesis
    • José Luis Rubio Guivernau. 3D Wavelet-based Fusion Techniques for Biomedical Imaging (2012). PhD Thesis with european mention
    • Mario Cañadas Castro. Aspectos metodológicos para la evaluación de sistemas de tomografía por emisión de positrones empleando técnicas Montecarlo, protocolos estandarizados y diferentes trazadores (2012). PhD Thesis
    • Laura Fernández de Manuel. Multimodal non-rigid image registration methods for therapy and surgery planning (2012). PhD Thesis with european mention


    • Giancarlo Sportelli. A Modular Data Acquisition System for High Resolution Clinical PET Scanners (2010). PhD Thesis with european mention
    • Mónica Abella García. Contribuciones a la reconstrucción de imagen en sistemas multimodalidad de alta resolución para aplicaciones preclínicas (2010). PhD Thesis with european mention
    • Eduardo Lage Negro. Sistemas tomográficos multimodalidad para animales de laboratorio (2010). PhD Thesis


    • Miguel Ángel Luengo Oroz. Mathematical methods for processing and analyzing in-vivo fluorescence images of embryo development (2009). PhD Thesis with european mention
    • Noemí Carranza Herrezuelo. Nuevas Contribuciones en Estimación de Movimiento mediante Técnicas de Flujo Óptico aplicado a Imagen de Resonancia Magnética Cardiaca (New contributions on motion estimation through optical flow techniques applied to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging) (2009). PhD Thesis


Group imagen
Andrés Santos Lleó


medical imaging, clinic imaging, biological imaging, image analysis.

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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