Campus Moncloa
Campus of International Excellence
Education Excellence in Spain
International School of Postgraduate Studies
In addition to the usual education offer of UCM UCM and UPM, the Campus of Moncloa has got its own educational tool under the name of International School of Postgraduate Studies. Formally the school exists from May 21st, 2013, when both universities signed the protocol to launch it. It will start giving the master´s degrees and other types of studies in the academic year 2013/14.
The International School of Postgraduate Studies (EIP) is an university framework depending on both universities and in charge of organization of activities leading to obtaining the master´s degrees, Ph.D, its own degrees and continuing education. In the future it is expected to organize also extraordinary courses, reunions, conferences and as many other educational activities as possible.
The EIP integrates two academic entities, UCM and UPM, that are competent for this kind of teaching and responsible for its promotion. It is going to encourage various actions and collaborations between those universities as well as to foster participation of public and private institutions and companies.
The EIP intents to play an essencial role in execution of educational and academic activities of CEI Campus Moncloa. On the one side they are supposed to be in a close relation to the I+D+i activities of the campus, and on the other, in connection to the society into which it should be integrated and whom it should serve.
The main lines of the school´s activity are based on teaching and research by all the memebers of both universities constituting CEI Campus Moncloa. Another goal is collaboration with institutions and companies which garantize the social impact of the campus activities, regarding configuration and consolidation of the human capital created by CEI Campus Moncloa.
Therefore it is asked to all the members of CEI Campus Moncloa, the professors and researchers of UCM and UPM, to propose the organization of activities within the boundaries of EIP (master´s degrees, its own degrees, continuing education, seminars etc). All the applications are going to be studied in detail by the Academic Committee. Those which safisfy the criteria of selection, will be incorporated into EIP and could take adantage of being considered a part of the CEI activities. For example they could use the infrastuctrure and other facilities which the school hopes to be equipped with in the future.
Additional documentation

Seminar: Lexical-semantic study of the specialized speech in English and Spanish: practical applications
Seminario: estudio léxico-semántico del discurso especializado en inglés y español: aplicaciones prácticas
Opening ceremony of the Master in Disaster Management
Incendios forestales: el desastre recurrente de un país en llamas
International Mentor Program (IMP) USA-Europe
IMP internacionaliza la carrera profesional de los estudiantes con un solo click.