Campus Moncloa
Campus of International Excellence
Design of new materials through the auto- assembly colloidal anisotropic particles
International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: Design of new materials through the auto- assembly colloidal anisotropic particles
Date: Monday 14 December at 09:30
Place: E.T.S. Civil Engineering, basement 1. Calle Profesor Aranguren, E28040 Madrid
Speaker: Eva González Noya
Free admission
Dr. José Ygnacio Pastor, Organizer and Coordinator Scientific
Department of Material Science. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
E.T.S. Civil Engineering, First Floor. Profesor Aranguren Road, E28040–Madrid
T. (+34) 913 366 684. F. (+34) 913 366 680. jypastor@mater.upm.es
Tag: Materials for the Future Source: CEI Campus Moncloa
Event date: