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International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: Development of non-metallic material quasi zero-poisson for manufacturing using 3D printers

Development of non-metallic material quasi zero-poisson for manufacturing using 3D printers


Date: Monday 9th February at 09:30

Place: E.T.S. Civil Engineering, basement 1. Calle Profesor Aranguren, E28040 Madrid

Speaker: Miguel Ángel Castillo Acero

Free admission


Zero Poisson materials have high strain in one direction and rigidity, and strength in their perpendicular. They have unique characteristics for some structural applications of minimum weight, for example aircraft control surfaces, wind turbine blades, pipes, etc.

This presentation includes the mechanical characterization of a zero Poisson panel in additive manufacturing. The raw material used is a current standard for common printers.

Further information and contact details:
Dr. José Ygnacio Pastor, Organizer and Coordinator Scientific
Department of Material Science. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
E.T.S. Civil Engineering, First Floor. Profesor Aranguren Road, E28040–Madrid
T. (+34) 913 366 684. F. (+34) 913 366 680. jypastor@mater.upm.es

Tag: Materials for the Future    Source: CEI Campus Moncloa

Event date:


Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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