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Liquid crystals screens: Surface plasmons in metallic nanoparticles, what they are and what they are used for

International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa


Title: Surface plasmons in metallic nanoparticles, what they are and what they are used for.

Date: Monday 4th February 2013 at 09:30

Place: E.T.S. Civil Engineering, basement 1

Speaker: Miguel Ángel García

Free admission


Surface plasmons are remarkable phenomenons that occur in metallic nanoparticles. This phenomenon consists on a collective oscillation of the conduction electrons being lighted by the appropriate wavelength which concentrates the electric field of the light in the environment of the nanoparticle and amplifying various orders of magnitude. Thereby, surface plasmons confer some optical properties on nanoparticles that are difficult to obtain with traditional optical such as semiconductors fluorescent molecules or pigments. Besides, they can be used to enhance the properties of other materials.

This lecture will describe in a summarized way the principles of surface plasmons, their possible applications in diverse fields such as medicine, energy, environment and technology as well as future challenges to process materials that use surface plasmons in functional nanomaterials.

Further information and contact details:
Dr. José Ygnacio Pastor, Organizer and Coordinator Scientific
Department of Material Science. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
E.T.S. Civil Engineering, First Floor. Profesor Aranguren Road, E28040–Madrid
T. (+34) 913 366 684. F. (+34) 913 366 680. jypastor@mater.upm.es

Tag: Materials for the Future    Source: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Event date:

04/02/2013 - 04/02/2013

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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