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Proposals to reduce the environmental impact of construction and demolition waste

International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa


Title: Proposals to reduce the environmental impact of construction and demolition waste

Date: Monday 28th of October at 09:30

Place: E.T.S. Civil Engineering, basement 1

Speaker: Mercedes del Río Merino

Free admission


Building construction generates large amounts of Construction and Demolition waste what means a high environmental and social impact.

The European Environment Agency has pointed out that recycling in Spain is far below the average according to European Union levels and is far away from countries like Denmark, Estonia and the Netherlands which present recycling rates above 90%.

Ante esta situación, aparecen una Directiva Europea sobre RCD que pretende introducir un nuevo enfoque que no sólo considere la fase de residuo sino todo el ciclo de vida de los productos y materiales, de manera que se reduzca el impacto que la generación de residuos causa al medioambiente y regular su gestión.

In this situation, a new European Directive on C&D waste came out. It aims to introduce a new approach that not only takes account of the waste phase but also the whole life cycle of products and materials. In this way, the impact produced by waste generation would be reduced.

In this talk, the group of Environment & Building Technologies research of the Architecture School will introduce diverse proposals in order to reduce the environmental impact of C&D waste.

Further information and contact details:
Dr. José Ygnacio Pastor, Organizer and Coordinator Scientific
Department of Material Science. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
E.T.S. Civil Engineering, First Floor. Profesor Aranguren Road, E28040–Madrid
T. (+34) 913 366 684. F. (+34) 913 366 680. jypastor@mater.upm.es

Tag: Materials for the Future    Source: CEI Campus Moncloa

Event date:


Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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