Campus Moncloa
Campus of International Excellence
Science ambassadors project: raising scientific concerns
The Science Ambassadors is a national programme that emerged in order to raise the scientific concern and the need to find solutions to the difficulties for young people worried about how to focus their future vocations and careers.
The Science Ambassadors is a national program that emerged in order to raise the scientific concern and the need to find solutions to the difficulties for young people worried about how to focus their future vocations and careers.
Prestigious Professors from the UCM and the UPM, called ”œambassadors”, are visiting the High Schools where the Professors studied years back. They aim to motivate the students to be interested in science and engineering.
The city of Madrid has been elected to conclude the project this year. To do this, the Professor José Manuel Perlado, Director of Instituto de Fusión Nuclear (UPM), visited the San Mateo High School where more than a hundred science students enjoyed a lecture on Nuclear Fusion using a laser.
This project is supported and funded by the Campus Moncloa , Universidad Complutense de Madrid , Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the R&D&i Plan of Ministry of Science and Innovation. The project was created by the Foundation of support to the National Museum of Science and Technology (FAMUNCYT) in partnership with the UCM.
Tag: Social campus Source: Embajadores de la Ciencia
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