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Second meeting of the beneficiaries of the PICATA Programme of the CEI Campus Moncloa

On the 28th of March will take place the second meeting of the beneficiaries of the Programme for International Talent Recruitment (PICATA) . The event will be held at the Sala Cofares of the Facultad de Farmacia (outbuilding) at 11:00 am.


2ºPICATA meeting

On the 28th of March will take place the second meeting of the beneficiaries of the Programme for International Talent Recruitment (PICATA) . The event will be held at the Sala Cofares of the Facultad de Farmacia (outbuilding) at 11:00 am.

In this meeting, they will analyze the development of the programme since its first assessment. They will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and proposals, and it will be a marvelous time to share their knowledge.

It aims to open up a dialogue between the beneficiaries of the PICATA Programme from the first and second year (predoctoral fellowships, directors of theses, PhD Doctors, supervisors), the coordinators of the Cluster, the corresponding advisory committees and the Executive Committee CIE Campus Moncloa.

Programme (Spanish text)

Tag: General Affairs    Source: CEI Campus Moncloa

Event date:


Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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