Campus Moncloa
Campus of International Excellence
Student from UPM has been awarded the SOCIEMAT prize for the best Final Year Project in Materials Engineering
Student from UPM has been awarded the SOCIEMAT prize for the best Final Year Project in Materials Engineering
Verónica Rodríguez García, a student at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, has been awarded the 4th edition SOCIEMAT prize of Caja Ingenieros for the best Final Year Project in Materials Engineering.
Verónica studied Materials Engineering at UPM and carried out her project on Synthesis and Characterization of Silica Asymmetric Particles used as Vectoring vehicles for cancer treatment at the Faculty of Pharmacy of UCM. The coordinator and mentor for the project was Jose Ygnacio Pastor Caño, the coordinator for the Materials for the Future Cluster UPM of the Moncloa Campus.
Tag: Materials for the Future Source: CEI Campus Moncloa
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