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Tecnologías y Métodos para la Gestión Sostenible

Publicaciones científicas

Publicaciones científicas

Año Total IF media Q moda Internacionalización Agregación
2025 - - - - -
2024 - - - - -
2023 - - - - -
2022 - - - - -
2021 2 2.127 Q1 100% -
2020 2 2.799 Q1 50% -
2019 11 3.033 Q1 45.45% -
2018 7 2.885 Q1 28.57% -
2017 9 2.544 Q2 66.67% 11.11%
2016 7 1.808 Q1 57.14% 14.29%
2015 4 2.151 Q1 50% -
2014 10 2.182 Q1 50% 30%
2013 12 1.373 Q1 41.67% 8.33%
2012 6 1.703 Q2 33.33% -
2011 7 1.587 Q1 42.86% -
2010 11 1.347 Q2 36.36% 9.09%
2009 5 1.138 Q2 - -
Total 93 2.052 Q1 46.31% 5.6%

Categorías principales: Forestry
Remote Sensing

Publicaciones vinculadas con el clúster


  • Mauro F, García-Abril A, Ayuga-Téllez E, Rojo-Alboreca A, Valbuena R, Manzanera JA. 2021. Comparison of two parameter recovery methods for the transformation of Pinus sylvestris yield tables into a diameter distribution model. Annals of Forest Science 78:12 (JIF 2019: , 21/68, T1, Q2
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.033         Version PDF
  • García-Cimarras A, Manzanera JA, Valbuena R. 2021. Analysis of Mediterranean Vegetation Fuel Type Changes Using Multitemporal LiDAR. Forests 12: 335.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.221         Version PDF


  • Silva Cervantes M, Hernando A, García-Abril A, Valbuena R, Velázquez Saornil J, Manzanera JA. 2020. Simulation of overflow thresholds in urban basins: case study in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico. River Research and Applications 36(7): 1307-1320. ISSN:1535-1467.
    Categoría: Engineering, Environmental       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 1.916         Version PDF
  • Gutiérrez, J., Velázquez, J., García-Abril, A., Hernando, A., Sanchez, B., Gómez, I. (2020). Impact model of urban development on steppic birds in Natura 2000 spaces. Land Use Policy. Volume 90, January 2020, 104256. ISSN: 0264-8377. (JIF2019: Q1
    Categoría: Environmental Studies       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.682         Version PDF


  • Pascual C, Gomez C, Alejandro P, Hermosilla T, Montes F, Ruiz LA, Alvarez-Taboada F, Tanase M, Valbuena R. 2019. Remote sensing or the Spanish forests in the 21st century: a review of advances, needs, and opportunities. Forest Systems 28: 1-33. ISSN: 2171-5068.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 1.178         Version PDF
  • Ruiz-Gozalvo, F.; Martín-Fernández, S.; Garfias-Salinas, R. 2019. Characterization of Small Forest Landowners as a Basis for Sustainable Forestry Management in the Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins Region, Chile. Sustainability 11, 7215; ISSN: 2071-1050.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.576         Version PDF
  • Echavarria-Caballero, C., Domínguez-Gómez, J.A., González-García, C., García-García, M.J. 2019. Assessment of Landsat 5 Images Atmospherically Corrected with LEDAPS in Water Quality Time Series. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing.
    Categoría: Environmental Sciences       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 2.126         Version PDF
  • Rincón V; Javier Velázquez Saornil; Javier Gutiérrez Velayos; Beatriz Sánchez Reyes; Ana Hernando Gallego; Antonio Damián García Abril; Tomás Santamaría; Daniel Sánchez-Mata. 2019. Evaluating European Conservation Areas and Proposal of New Zones of Conservation under the Habitats Directive. Application to Spanish Territories. Sustainability. 11(2): 398
    Categoría: Biodiversity Conservation       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.576         Version PDF
  • González-Gómez, K., Iglesias, L., Rodríguez-Solano, R., & Castro, M. (2019). Framework for 3D Point Cloud Modelling Aimed at Road Sight Distance Estimations. Remote Sensing 11(23), 2730. (JIF 2019: ; 9/30, Q2
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 4.509         Version PDF
  • Velázquez Saornil J; Javier Gutiérrez Velayos; Antonio García Abril; Ana Hernando Gallego; Mónica Aparicio; Beatriz Sánchez Reyes. 2019. Structural connectivity as an indicator of species richness and landscape diversity in Castilla y León (Spain). Forest Ecology and Management. 432, pp. 286 - 297.
    Categoría: Biodiversity Conservation       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.170         Version PDF
  • Adnan S, Matti Maltamo, David A. Coomes, Antonio García-Abril, Yadvinder Malhi, Manzanera JA, Nathalie Butt, Mike Morecroft, Rubén Valbuena. 2019. A simple approach to forest structure classification using airborne laser scanning that can be adopted across bioregions. Forest Ecology and Management 433: 111-121. (JIF 2019: ; 5/68, D1
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.170         Version PDF
  • Velázquez Saornil J; Paula Anza; Javier Gutiérrez; Beatriz Sánchez; Ana Hernando; Antonio García Abril. 2019. Planning and selection of green roofs in large urban areas. application to Madrid metropolitan area. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 40: 323-334.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 4.021         Version PDF
  • Hernando A, Puerto L, Mola-Yudego B, Manzanera JA, García-Abril A, Maltamo M, Valbuena R. 2019. Estimation of forest biomass components using airborne LiDAR and multispectral sensors. iForest 12: 207-213.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.683         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R, Ana Hernando, Jose Antonio Manzanera, Eric B. Görgens, Danilo R.A. Almeida, Silva CA, Antonio García-Abril. 2019. Evaluating observed versus predicted forest biomass: R-squared, index of agreement or maximal information coefficient? European Journal of Remote Sensing 52(1): 1-14
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 2.808         Version PDF
  • Schepaschenko D, et al., …, García Abril A, …, Manzanera JA, et al. 2019. The Forest Observation System, building a global reference dataset for remote sensing of forest biomass. Scientific Data 6:198.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 5.541         Version PDF


  • Garcia-Ventura Claudia, Alvaro Sanchez-Medina, Esperanza Ayuga-Tellez, M. Angeles Grande-Ortiz, Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia 2018. Comparison of the Economic Value of Urban Trees through Surveys with Photographs in Two Seasons. FORESTS 9(3): 1-13. ISSN 1999-4907.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.116         Version PDF
  • Martín-Fernandez S, Eugenio Martinez-Falero 2018: Sustainability assessment in forest management based on individual preferences: Journal of Environmental Management, 206: 482-489.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 4.865         Version PDF
  • Ávila Cerón Carlos Alberto, Ignacio de los Ríos-Carmenado, Susana Martín Fernández 2018: Illicit crops substitution and rural prosperity in armed conflict areas: A conceptual proposal based on the Working With People model in Colombia: Land Use Policy 72: 201-214. (JIF: ; Q1,
    Categoría: Agronomy       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.089         Version PDF
  • Velázquez, J., Gutiérrez, J., Hernando, A., García-Abril, A., Martín, MA., Irastorza P (2018). Measuring mosaic diversity based on land use map in the region of Madrid, Spain. Land Use Policy 71: 329-334. ISSN: 0264-8377.
    Categoría: Biodiversity Conservation       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.194         Version PDF
  • Martinez-Falero Eugenio, Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia, Antonio Garcia-Abril, Esperanza Ayuga-Tellez 2018. Validation of a Methodology for Confidence-Based Participatory Forest Management. Forests 9(7): 28. ISSN 1999-4907.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.951         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R, Hernando A, Manzanera JA, Martínez-Falero E, García-Abril A & Mola-Yudego B 2018. Most similar neighbour imputation of forest attributes using metrics derived from combined airborne LIDAR and multispectral sensors. International Journal of Digital Earth 11(12): 1205-1218
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.746         Version PDF
  • Maltamo M, L Mehtätalo, R Valbuena, J Vauhkonen, P Packalen 2018. Airborne laser scanning for tree diameter distribution modelling: a comparison of different modelling alternatives in a tropical single-species plantation. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, Volume 91, Issue 1, Pages 121–131.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.232         Version PDF


  • Valbuena R., Maltamo M., Mehtätalo L. & Packalen P. (2017) Key Structural Features of Boreal Forests May Be Detected Directly Using L-Moments from Airborne Lidar Data. Remote Sensing of Environment 194: 437–446.
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 5.880         Version PDF
  • Heiskanen J., Jinxiu L., Valbuena R., Aynekulu E., Packalen P. & Pellikka P. (2017) Remote Sensing Approach for Spatial Planning of Land Management Interventions in West African Savannas. Journal of Arid Environments 140: 29-41. (IF: ).
    Categoría: Environmental Sciences       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.620         Version PDF
  • Hernando, A.; Velázquez, J.; Valbuena, R.; Legrand, M.; García-Abril, A.2017 Influence of the resolution of forest cover maps in evaluating fragmentation and connectivity to assess habitat conservation status. Ecological indicators 79:295-302.
    Categoría: Ecology       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.190         Version PDF
  • Velázquez, J., Gutiérrez, J., Hernando, A., García-Abril, A. 2017. Evaluating landscape connectivity in fragmented habitats: Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) in northern Spain. Forest Ecology and Management. 389: 59-67.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.868         Version PDF
  • Manzanera JA, Gómez-Garay A, Pintos B, Rodríguez-Rastrero M, Moreda E, Zazo J, Martínez-Falero E, García-Abril A. 2017. Sap flow, leaf-level gas exchange and spectral responses to drought in Pinus sylvestris, Pinus pinea and Pinus halepensis. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. ISSN: 1971-7458.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.070         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R, Hernando A, Manzanera JA, Martínez-Falero E, García-Abril A & Mola-Yudego B 2017. Most similar neighbour imputation of forest attributes using metrics derived from combined airborne LIDAR and multispectral sensors. International Journal of Digital Earth.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.292         Version PDF
  • Mauro, F; Monleon, VJ; Temesgen, H; Ruiz, LA. 2017. Analysis of spatial correlation in predictive models of forest variables that use LiDAR auxiliary information. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 47(6): 788-799.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.827         Version PDF
  • Martínez-Falero JE, Esperanza Ayuga-Tellez, Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia, M. Angeles Grande-Ortiz and Alvaro Sánchez De Medina Garrido. 2017. Experts’ Analysis of the Quality and Usability of SILVANET Software for Informing Sustainable Forest Management. Sustainability 9, 1200;
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.789         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R, Hernando A, Manzanera JA, Görgens EB, Almeida DRA, Mauro F, García-Abril A, Coomes DA. 2017. Enhancing of accuracy assessment for forest above-ground biomass estimates obtained from remote sensing via hypothesis testing and overfitting evaluation. Ecological Modelling 366: 15-26.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.363         Version PDF


  • Gómez-Garay, A., Pintos, B., Manzanera, J.A., Prada, C., Martín, L., Gabriel-y-Galán, J.M. (2016). Nanoceria and bulk cerium oxide effects on the germination of Asplenium adiantum-nigrum spores. Forest Systems, Volume 25, Issue 3, e067.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 0.761
  • Mauro F, I. Molina, A. García-Abril, R. Valbuena and E. Ayuga-Téllez. 2016. Remote sensing estimates and measures of uncertainty for forest variables at different aggregation levels. Environmentrics 27(4): 225-238.
    Categoría: Statistics & Probability       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.160         Version PDF
  • Legrand, M., Nogueira, J., Lecuona, A., Hernando, A (2016). Single camera volumetric shadowgraphy system for simultaneous droplet sizing and depth location, including empirical determination of the effective optical aperture. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Volume 76, September 2016, Pages 135–145. ISSN: 0894-1777.
    Categoría: Engineering, Mechanical       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.182         Version PDF
  • Garcia-Garcia M.J., A. Sánchez-Medina, E. Alfonso-Corzo, C. Gonzalez-Garcia (2016). An Index to Identify Suitable Species in Urban Green Areas. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 16: 43-49. Article reference: UFUG25644.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.006         Version PDF
  • Grande-Vega M, Farfán M., Ondo A., Fa J.E. 2016, Decline in hunter offtake of blue duikers in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea. African Journal of Ecology 54, Issue 1, March Pages: 49–58
    Categoría: Ecology       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.875         Version PDF
  • Manzanera J.A., García-Abril A, Pascual C, Tejera R, Martín-Fernández S, Tokola T, Valbuena R. 2016. Fusion of airborne LiDAR and multispectral sensors reveals synergic capabilities in forest structure characterization. GIScience & Remote Sensing 53(6): 723-738. ISSN: 1548-1603.
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.482         Version PDF
  • Valbuena, R; Eerikainen, K; Packalen, P; Maltamo, M. 2016. Gini coefficient predictions from airborne lidar remote sensing display the effect of management intensity on forest structure. Ecological Indicators 60: 574-585
    Categoría: Environmental Sciences       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.190


  • Castro M, de Blas A, Rodriguez-Solano R, Sánchez José Angel (2015) Finding and characterizing hidden dips in roads. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 10(4): 340-345.
    Categoría: Engineering, Civil       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.519
  • Monfort-Salvador I, Garcia-Montero LG, Grande MA (2015) Impact of calcium associated to calcareous amendments on ectomycorrhizae in forests: A review. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 15(1): 217-231
    Categoría: Soil Science       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 1.600
  • Verkerk, Pieter J; Levers, Christian; Kuemmerle, Tobias; Lindner, Marcus; Valbuena, Ruben; Verburg, Peter H; Zudin, Sergey. 2015. Mapping wood production in European forests. Forest Ecology and Management 357: 228-238. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.08.007
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.826         Version PDF
  • Vihervaara, Petteri; Mononen, Laura; Auvinen, Ari-Pekka; Virkkala, Raimo; Lu, Yihe; Pippuri, Inka; Packalen, Petteri; Valbuena, Ruben; Valkama, Jari 2015. How to integrate remotely sensed data and biodiversity for ecosystem assessments at landscape scale. Landscape Ecology 30(3): 501-516.
    Categoría: Ecology       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.657         Version PDF


  • Jimenez EM, Maria Cristina Penuela-Mora, Carlos A. Sierra, Jon Lloyd, Oliver L. Phillips, Flavio H. Moreno, Diego Navarrete, Adriana Prieto, Agustín Rudas, Esteban Álvarez, Carlos A. Quesada, Maria Angeles Grande-Ortíz, Antonio Garcia-Abril, Sandra Patino (2014) Edaphic controls on ecosystem-level carbon allocation in two contrasting Amazon forests. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 119(9): 1820-1830.
    Categoría: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.318
  • Ayuga-Tellez Esperanza, Francisco Mauro-Gutierrez, Antonio Garcia-Abril, Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia, J. Eugenio Martinez-Falero (2014) Comparison of estimation methods to obtain ideal distribution of forest tree height. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 108: 191-199.
    Categoría: Agriculture, Multidisciplinary       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.892
  • Valbuena R, Jari Vauhkonen, Petteri Packalen, Juho Pitkänen y Matti Maltamo 2014. Comparison of Airborne Laser Scanning Methods for Estimating Forest Structure Indicators Based on Lorenz Curves. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing 95: 23-33
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 4.188
  • Valbuena R., Packalen P., Tokola T. & Maltamo M. (2014) Canonical Correlation Analysis for Interpreting Airborne Laser Scanning Metrics along the Lorenz Curve of Tree Size Inequality. Baltic Forestry 20(2):326-332
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.530
  • Castilla G, Ana Hernando, Chunhua Zhang & Gregory J. McDermid. 2014. The impact of object size on the thematic accuracy of landcover maps. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Volume 35, Issue 3, pages 1029-1037.
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.640         Version PDF
  • Castilla, G., Hernando, A., Zhang, C., Mauro, F., McDermid, G., 2014. POLS: A versatile tool for sampling polygon GIS layers. Comput. Geosci. 67, 139–149.
    Categoría: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.474         Version PDF
  • Ruiz, L.A., Hermosilla, T., Mauro, F., Godino, M., 2014. Analysis of the Influence of Plot Size and LiDAR Density on Forest Structure Attribute Estimates. Forests 5, 936–951.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.583         Version PDF
  • Rodríguez-Sanz H, Manzanera JA, Solís MT, Gómez-Garay A, Pintos B, Risueño MC and Testillano PS. 2014. Early markers are present in both embryogenesis pathways from microspores and immature zygotic embryos in cork oak, Quercus suber L. BMC Plant Biology 14:224.
    Categoría: Plant Sciences       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.631
  • Gomez-Garay A, Pintos B, Manzanera JA, Lobo C, Villalobos N, Martín L. 2014. Uptake of CeO2 Nanoparticles and Its Effect on Growth of Medicago arborea In Vitro Plantlets. Biological Trace Element Research 161(1): 143-150. Print ISSN 0163-4984. Online ISSN 1559-0720
    Categoría: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 1.798         Version PDF
  • Gomez-Garay A, Manzanera JA, Pintos B. 2014. Embryogenesis in Oak species. A Review. Forest Systems 23(2): 191-198.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 0.761


  • Pascual C, Martín -Fernandez S, Garcia-Montero LG, Garcia-Abril A. Algorithm for improving the co-registration of LiDAR-derived digital canopy height models and field data. Agroforest Syst (2013) 87 (5):967–975
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.373         Version PDF
  • Martin M. A, Martinez de Anguita, P; Acosta, M. 2013. Analysis of the “European Charter on General Principles for Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development” The Council of Europe Document CO-DBP (2003)2. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26(5): 1037-1050. ISSN1573-322X
    Categoría: Agriculture, Multidisciplinary       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.296         Version PDF
  • Ortuño Perez S, Garcia Robredo F, Ayuga Tellez E (2013) Effects of the crisis in the resin sector on the demography of rural municipalities in Spain. FOREST SYSTEMS 22(1): 39-46. ISSN 2171-5068.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 0.761         Version PDF
  • Lopez-Torres I, Ortuño-Perez S, Garcia-Robredo F, Fullana-Belda C (2013) Are the Economically Optimal Harvesting Strategies of Uneven-Aged Pinus nigra Stands Always Sustainable and Stabilizing? FORESTS 4(4): 830-848. ISSN 1999-4907.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.583         Version PDF
  • Grande Vega M., Carpinetti, B., Duarte, J., Fa, J.E. 2013. Contrasts in livelihoods and protein intake between commercial and subsistence bushmeat hunting villages in Bioko Island. Conservation Biology 27, Issue 3, pages 576–587
    Categoría: Ecology       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 4.355         Version PDF
  • Gonzalez-Garcia C, Condado SG, Garcia-Garcia MJ, Werenitzky D (2013) Analysis of seasonal variations in the quality of water in a reservoir using GIS techniques. Desalination and Water Treatment 51(13-15): 2609-2616. ISSN 1944-3994. DOI 1
    Categoría: Water Resources       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 1.272         Version PDF
  • Martinez de Anguita P, Martín Rodríguez-Ovelleiro MA, Clare Abigail. 2013. Environmental subsidiarity, the missing principle in resource management: application to payments for ecosystem services and REDD+ architecture. J Agricultural & Environmental Ethics. Print ISSN 1187-7863, Online ISSN 1573-322X
    Categoría: History & Philosophy Of Science       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.188         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R., Packalen P., García-Abril A., Mehtätalo L. & Maltamo M. (2013) Characterizing Forest Structural Types and Shelterwood Dynamics from Lorenz-based Indicators Predicted by Airborne Laser Scanning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 43: 1063-1074. ISSN 0045-5067.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.685         Version PDF
  • Pintos B, Sánchez N, Bueno MA, Navarro RM, Jorrín J, Manzanera JA, Gómez-Garay A (2013) Induction of Quercus ilex L. haploid and doubled-haploid embryos from anther cultures by temperature-stress. Silvae Genética 62(4-5): 210-217.
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.440
  • Pascual C., L.G. García-Montero, L. Arroyo, A. García-Abril. 2013. Increasing the use of expert opinion in forest characterization approaches based on LiDAR data. Annals of Forest Science (2013) 70:87–99. DOI
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.630         Version PDF
  • Valbuena, R., Maltamo, M., Martín Fernández, S., Packalén P., Pascual C., & Nabuurs, G.J. (2013) Patterns of covariance between Airborne Laser Scanning metrics and Lorenz curve descriptors of tree size inequality. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.560
  • Valbuena, R., De Blas, A., Martín Fernández, S., Maltamo, M., Nabuurs, G.J., & Manzanera, J.A. (2013) Within-species benefits of back-projecting laser scanner and multispectral sensors in monospecific Pinus sylvestris forests. European Journal of Remote Sensing Volume: 46 Year: 2013 Pages: 491 - 509
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.328         Version PDF


  • Valbuena R, Packalén P, Martín-Fernández S, Maltamo M. Diversity and Equitability Ordering Profiles Applied to the Study of Forest Structure. Forest Ecology and Management 276 (2012) 185–195
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 2.487         Version PDF
  • Hernando Gallego A, Tiede D, Albrecht F, Lang S. 2012. Spatial and thematic assessment of object- based forest stands delineation using OFA-matrix. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 19: 214-225. ISSN 0303-2434. (Factor de impacto JCR 1.774, Cuartil Q1, Ranking 5/22)
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.774         Version PDF
  • Hernando, A; Arroyo, LA.; Velazquez, J; Tejera, R. 2012. Objects-based Image Analysis for Mapping Natura 2000 Habitats to Improve Forest Management. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 78(9): 991-999.
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.802
  • Núñez V., Hernando A., Velazquez J. and Tejera R. 2012. Livestock management in Natura 2000: A case study in a Quercus pyrenaica neglected coppice forest. Journal for Nature Conservation 20(1): 1-9.
    Categoría: Ecology       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.864         Version PDF
  • Lopez Torres I, Ortuño Perez S, Garcia Robredo F, Fullana Belda C. 2012. Is De Liocourt's Distribution Stable? Forest Science 58: 34-46. ISSN 0015-749X. DOI
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.093         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R., Mauro F., Rodríguez-Solano R. and Manzanera J. A. Partial Least Squares for Discriminating Variance Components in GNSS Accuracy Obtained Under Scots Pine Canopies. Forest Science 58(2): 139-153
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.196         Version PDF


  • Romero-Toro Gascueña, I.; Sastre-Merino, S.; Vicente-Guilén, J.; García-García, M. J.; Ayuga-Téllez, E.; González-García, C.; Grande-Ortiz, M. A. Comparison of interpolation methods for the study of forest variables using a Geographic Information System. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. 1(3B): 428-436 (2011) .
    Categoría: Agronomy       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.255
  • Saura S, Vogt P, Velazquez J, Hernando A, Tejera R 2011. Key structural forest connectors can be identified by combining landscape spatial pattern and network analyses. Forest Ecology and Management 262 (2): 150 -160
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.992         Version PDF
  • Fulai S, Flomenhoft G, Downs TJ, Grande-Ortiz, M.A., et al. Is the concept of a green economy a useful way of framing Policy Discussions and policymaking to promote sustainable development? Natural Resources Forum 35(1): 63-72 (2011)
    Categoría: Environmental Sciences       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.667         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R., Mauro F., Arjonilla F. and Manzanera J. A., Comparing Airborne Laser Scanning-Imagery Fusion Methods Based on Geometric Accuracy in Forested Areas. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115, 1942-1954
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 3.951         Version PDF
  • Mauro F., Valbuena R., Manzanera J. A., García-Abril A. Influence of Global Navigation Satellite System errors in positioning inventory plots for tree-height distribution studies. Can. J. For. Res. 41 (1): 11-23
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.574         Version PDF
  • Mauri PV, Manzanera JA. Somatic embryogenesis of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.): ethylene production and polyamine content. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 33: 717-723
    Categoría: Plant Sciences       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.639         Version PDF
  • Ayuga-Téllez, E., Contato-Carol, M.L., González-García, C., Grande-Ortiz, M.A. and Velázquez, J. Applying Multivariate data Analysis as objective method for calculating the location index for use in urban tree appraisal. Journal of Urban Planning and Development-ASCE 137(3): 230-237 (2011)
    Categoría: Engineering, Civil       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.032


  • Velázquez Saornil J., Tejera R., Hernando A., Núñez MV. Environmental diagnosis: Integrating biodiversity conservation in management of Nature 2000 forest spaces. Journal for Nature Conservation 18 (4): 309-317
    Categoría: Biodiversity Conservation       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.545         Version PDF
  • Hernando A, Tejera R, Velazquez J, Nuñez MV. Quantitatively defining the conservation status of Natura 2000 forest habitats and improving management options for enhancing biodiversity. Biodivers Conserv 19 (8): 2221-2233
    Categoría: Biodiversity Conservation       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.238         Version PDF
  • Emilio Chuvieco, Inmaculada Aguado, Marta Yebra, Héctor Nieto, Javier Salas, M. Pilar Martín, Lara Vilar, Javier Martínez, Susana Martín, Paloma Ibarra, Juan de la Riva, Jaime Baeza, Francisco Rodríguez, Juan R. Molina, Miguel A. Herrera, Ricardo Zamora. Development of a framework for fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies Ecological Modelling 221: 46”“58
    Categoría: Ecology       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.769         Version PDF
  • Pascual C., A. García-Abril, W.B. Cohen, S. Martín-Fernández.Relationship between LiDAR-derived forest canopy height and Landsat images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31: 5, 1261-1280.
    Categoría: Remote Sensing       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.182         Version PDF
  • De Chant, T., Hernando, A., Velázquez, J., Kelly, M.; 2010. Urban influence on changes in forest edge structure. Landscape and Urban Planning 96 12-18
    Categoría: Ecology       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.004         Version PDF
  • García Montero LG, Díaz Fernández-Zapata P, García Abril A, Di Massimo G. A review of research on Chinese Tuber species. Mycological progress 9 (3): 315 -335
    Categoría: Mycology       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 1.266         Version PDF
  • García Montero LG, García Abril A, Stervins A, Hernández A, Pastor J. Soil fertility and GIS raster models for tropical agroforestry planning in economically depressed and contaminated Caribbean areas (coffee and kidney bean plantations). Agroforestry systems 79 (3): 381 -391
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.183         Version PDF
  • López Torres I, Ortuño Pérez SF, Martin Fernandez AJ, Fullana Belda C. Estimating the optimal rotation age of Pinus nigra in the Spanish Iberian System applying discrete optimal control. Forest Systems 19 (3): 306 - 314
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 4º
    Factor de impacto: 0.200         Version PDF
  • McInerney, D.O., Suárez, J., Valbuena, R. and Nieuwenhuis, M. (2010) Forest canopy height retrieval using LIDAR data, medium-resolution satellite imagery and kNN estimation in Aberfoyle, Scotland. Forestry 83(2): 195-206. [available online:]. Online ISSN 1464-3626 - Print ISSN 0015-752X
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 1.460         Version PDF
  • Valbuena R., Mauro F., Rodríguez-Solano R. and Manzanera J. A., Accuracy and precision of GPS receivers under forest canopies in a mountainous environment. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (4) 1047-1057 (2010), ISSN: 1695-971-X
    Categoría: Agriculture, Multidisciplinary       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 0.646
  • Pintos B, Manzanera JA, Bueno MA. Oak somatic and gametic embryos maturation is affected by charcoal and specific aminoacids mixture. Annals of Forest Science 67 205
    Categoría: Forestry       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.326         Version PDF


  • Martín Fernández, S., De Los Ríos, I., Cazorla, A., Martínez Falero, E. Pilot study on the influence of stress caused by the need to combine work and family on occupational accidents in working women. Safety Science: 47: 192-198
    Categoría: Operations Research & Management Science       Cuartil: 1º
    Factor de impacto: 1.220         Version PDF
  • López-Cuervo-Medina, S. Rodríguez-Solano-Suárez R., and A. de-Blas-Gutiérrez-de-la-Vega. Integrating photogrammetry into raster and vector information systems for setting databases for engineering projects. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 7(3), 495-502
    Categoría: Agriculture, Multidisciplinary       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 0.407
  • Valverde-Asenjo, I; Garcia-Montero, LG; Quintana, A, Velázquez, J. Calcareous amendments to soils to eradicate Tuber brumale from T. melanosporum cultivations: a multivariate statistical approach. Mycorrhiza: 19: 3: 159-165
    Categoría: Mycology       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 2.650         Version PDF
  • García-Montero L.G., I. Valverde-Asenjo, P. Díaz y C. Pascual. Statistical patterns of carbonates and total organic carbon on soils of Tuber rufum and T. melanosporum (black truffle) brulés. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 47: 206-212
    Categoría: Soil Science       Cuartil: 3º
    Factor de impacto: 1.007         Version PDF
  • López-Cuervo-Medina S., R. Rodríguez-Solano-Suárez, A. de-Blas-Gutiérrez-de-la-Vega. Integrating photogrammetry into raster and vector information systems for setting databases for engineering projects Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 7 (3): 495 ”“ 502
    Categoría: Agriculture, Multidisciplinary       Cuartil: 2º
    Factor de impacto: 0.407



Susana Martín Fernández

Referencia UCM:


Ecología y Gestión Ambiental Sostenible.

Modelización y simulación de procesos naturales.

Ecología del paisaje y Ordenación del territorio.

SIG y Teledetección.

Espacios naturales.

Ciencia Forestal.

Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte CEI Campus de Excelencia Internacional Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Proyecto financiado por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, y el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad en el marco del Programa Campus de Excelencia Internacional
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