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Fulbright calls

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Alberto López
Chief executive officer
Spanish Fulbright Commission

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Katherine Matles
Academic advisor
Spanish Fulbright Commission

The Commission on Cultural, Educational and Scientific Exchange between Spain and the United States of America was established in Spain in 1958 by a mutual agreement between the two countries. Since then it has been recognized as the Fulbright Commission and administers grants under the same name. The Commission is formed by representatives from the two countries and co-chaired by a high-level member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and another from the United States Embassy in Spain. The Commission administers one of the most important Fulbright Programs worldwide, based on budget and grant funding.

Project Access

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Natalia Pérez-Campanero
Ph.D. student Oxford University
CEO Project Access Spain

Project Access is a non-profit mentor network and knowledge base very useful for students who aim to study a degree or PhD program abroad. We use technology to match prospective applicants with mentors to level the playing field in admissions processes to the world’s best universities. Forever free of charge - for students by students


International Mentor Program (IMP)

Dr. Jonathan Thon
Platelet BioGenesis, Boston, USA

PhD graduate from the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program at The University of British Columbia. He completed his PhD at Harvard University. In 2014, Dr. Jonathan Thon co-founds Platelet BioGenesis, a company that is developing a radical new technology to make human platelets on demand. This technology has a huge potential market since millions of people receive platelet transfusions every year and the current reserve of platelet donors is limited.


International Mentor Program (IMP)

Rocío López Diego
M.D., Ph.D.
ThinkBrain, Boston, USA

She obtained her MD at the University of Valencia School of Medicine, Spain, in 1995. She obtained her PhD in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (University of Southern California, Los Angeles). She subsequently completed her Adult Neurology residency (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), and moved onto postdoctoral research fellowship on Human Immunology and clinical fellowship specialization in Multiple Sclerosis at Harvard University/Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston. She is currently the Founder of THiNKBrain, a private consultancy in health strategy and social equit, focused on the re-definition of the concept of individual and social health, and the development of innovative integrative eco-social approaches to health and global wellbeing promotion.

Editorial Publishing

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Dr. Javier Carmona
Editor Nature Medicine
Nature Publishing Group, NY

He received a degree in Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. In 2013, he obtained his Ph.D. after working in Manel Esteller's Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program in Barcelona. Javier continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow in the group of José Baselga at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, where he studied the mechanisms of resistance to therapy in patients with breast cancer. In 2016 he joined Nature Medicine as an Assistant Editor.

University and Innovation

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Dr. Martha Gray
CEO at Madrid-MIT m+Visión

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Dr. Raúl San José
Researcher at BWH
Harvard Medical School

Martha Gray: She is full professor of Biomedical Engineering at MIT. She is former director of Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology (HST). She is responsible for the Madrid-MIT M+Visión Consortium that aims to promote biomedical imaging innovation among centres of Madrid and Boston.

Raúl San José: He received a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Valladolid University. He is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in the radiology department of the BWH.

Entrepreneurship and Start-ups

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Shivang R. Dave
Ph.D. Plenoptika Inc.

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Eduardo Lage
Ph.D. Plenoptika Inc.

Shivang R. Dave: He received his bioengineering degree from Universidad de Berkeley and his Ph.D degree in nanotechnology from Seattle University. He has been awarded with numerous prizes in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Eduardo Lage: He obtained his electronic Engineering degree from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares and his Ph.D degree in biomedical imaging from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Both professors met for the first time in the Madrid-MIT mVisión program and they co-founded Plenoptika Inc. to commercialize a low cost device that provides prescription eyeglasses that people need in a quick and objective way.

Student Visas and US Postdocs

International Mentor Program (IMP)

Javier Pico Abogado

Javier Pico is a lawyer and since 1992 he is been working in immigration at PicoLaw based in Boston. Javier tells what types of visas are required to enter de United States as a student, a Phd student and a doctor. He also explains the time required to obtain such visas and some recommendations.


Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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