Campus Moncloa
Campus of International Excellence
Petrología Aplicada al análisis de cuencas y a la conservación del Patrimonio Geológico

Thesis and Masters
- Pérez Jiménez, José Luis. Sedimentología, silicificaciones y otros procesos diagenéticos en las Unidades Intermedia y Superior de la Cuenca de Madrid (zonas NE,NW y W) (2010). Directed by: M.A. Bustillo
PhD Thesis with european mention

- General information
- Members
- Scientific publications
- Thesis & masters
News of the cluster
- International Mentor Program (IMP) USA-Europe
- Open call MIT-Spain - CEI Moncloa Seed Fund
- Registration is open for the new Master in Disaster Management of the Moncloa Campus
- Mª. Ángeles Querol receives the European Archaeological Heritage Prize 2015
- Open call for the 1st Competition of Ideas and Projects for a better use of urban underground energy of Madrid Subterra