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Cognition, Emotion and Health

Líneas de investigación

Main research lines

  • Psychological intervention for emotional disorders in Primary Care
    Objetives: Actually we are working in a clinical trial, a pilot project that will test an evidence-based psychological treatment protocol for emotional disorders (anxiety and mood) in Primary Care as part of a collaborative, stepped programme. Our hypothesis is that Cognitive-Behavioral treatment will be more effective and efficient than usual treatment and that the gains will be maintained at follow-up.
    Methodologies: Clinical Trial.
  • Anxiety and Stress
    Objetives: The study of the emotions and stress from different points of view: relationships between cognition and emotion, relationships between attention, cognitive appraisal, emotions, behaviour and health, anxiety disorders, depressions, somatizations, other emotional disorders.
    Methodologies: Experimental. Differential.



Antonio Rafael Cano Vindel

UCM reference: 911607


Anxiety Disorders.



Primary Care.

Cognition and Emotion.

Anxiety and Stress.

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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