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Líneas de investigación

Main research lines

  • Fabricación de caprolactama a partir de ciclohexanona
    Objetives: Improvement of the caprolactam quality. Previous chemical-physical steps and downstream processes to the cyclohexanol/cyclohexanone mixture obtained from cyclohexane oxidation will be analyzed for this scope. Minimization of the energy required and an increase of the raw material yield to the desired products are wanted.
  • Fabricación de ácido ftálico por oxidación de xileno
    Objetives: Improving quality and efficiency in the production of phthalic acid from p-xylene is intended for a better efficiency in the energy required and use of raw materials
  • Aprovechamiento de glicerina mediante procesos de eterificación
    Objetives: Valorization of a byproduct in the production of biodiesel for high added value compounds by etherification processes
  • Remediación de suelos contaminados por oxidación química ”in situ”
    Objetives: Use of chemicals (oxidants and additives) in the remediation of soils contaminated with toxic organic compounds. Saturated and unsaturated zones for soil remediation are studied for selection of the optimal conditions for a better efficiency of the reactants and additives used.
  • Tratamiento de aguas que contienen contaminantes orgánicos refractarios a la oxidación biológica y contaminantes emergentes
    Objetives: Using advanced oxidation treatment in removing pollutants in the industrial wastewaters. Regeneration of treated wastewater containing priority or emerging pollutants by oxidation techniques is studied.



Group imagen
Arturo Romero Salvador

UCM reference: 921544


Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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