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Técnicas Avanzadas en Agroalimentación


Books and Inbooks

  • A.Melado-Herreros, P.Barreiro, M.E. Fernandez-Valle, T. Jimenez-Ariza, E.C. Correa, N. Campos, V. Diaz-Barcos, E.M. Rivas, M.I. Silóinz, B. Hills. MRI and bidimensional relaxometry sequences for macro and microstructure assessment in food models. 11th International Conference on the applications of Magnetic Resonance in Food 2012. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Chemistry (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: aun no ha sido publicado.
  • Barreiro Elorza, P; Correa Hernando, E.C; Arranz Saiz, F.J y Diezma Iglesias, B, Ruiz García, L; Villarroel, M; Robla Villalba, J.I; García-Hierro, J. Smart Sensing Applications in the Agriculture and Food Industry. In: Smart Sensors and Sensing Technology. Nova Science Publishers, Nueva York, EEUU, pp. 1-33. (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-1-61209-242-3
  • M. Garrido, H.T. Jiménez-Ariza, M.l A. Muñoz, A. Moya, C. Valero and P. Barreiro. Analysis of Engine Thermal Effect on Electronic Control units for Robot Fleets for Highly effective Agriculture and Forestry Management (RHEA). PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOTICS AND ASSOCIATED HIGH TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT FOR AGRICULTURE. P. Gonzalez de Santos. G. Rabatel. (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-615-6184-1
  • P. Barreiro, M. Garrido, A.Moya, B. Debilde, P. Balmer, J. Carballido, C.Valero, N.Tomatis and B. Missotten. Safety functional requirements for “Robot Fleets for Highly effective Agriculture and Forestry Management”.PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ROBOTICS AND ASSOCIATED HIGH TECHNOLOGIES AND EQUIPMENT FOR AGRICULTURE. P. Gonzalez de Santos. G. Rabatel. (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-615-6184-1
  • Umaña. G, Demerutis, C. Correa, E. C, Ruiz Altisent. M. V REUNIÓN CIENTÍFICO-TÉCNICA FRUTURA Desafíos y Oportunidades Tecnológicas en el Intercambio Comercial Hortofrutícola América Latina-Europa. Monitorización del Transporte Frigorífico.
    Year: 2011       ISBN: no lo han enviado


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