Campus Moncloa
Campus of International Excellence
CES EduPack Workshop
One day course on CES EduPack
Venue: ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos (UPM). C/ Profesor Aranguren, s.n. E28040–Madrid
Date: September 30, 2016
Precio: €40 (before Sep. 23), € 60 (after Sep. 23). Free registration for UPM members.
CES EduPack is a unique set funded by Moncloa Campus of teaching resources that support Materials Education across Engineering, Design, Science and Sustainable Development. This tool provides a comprehensive database of materials and process information, powerful materials software tools, and a range of supporting resources: textbooks, lectures, projects, and exercises.
Este curso práctico de un día tiene como objetivo descubrir nuevas herramientas y recursos educativos con los que motivar a los estudiantes en la enseñanza de los materiales.
This one day workshop aims to show new educational tools and resources in order to motivate students in the area of material science.
Learn more & registration
Tag: Materials for the Future Source: CEI Campus Moncloa
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