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Liquid crystals screens: from calculator to high definition TV

International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa


Title: Liquid crystals screens: from calculator to high definition TV

Date: 21th Monday at 09:30

Place: E.T.S. Civil Engineering, basement 1

Speaker: José Manuel Otón, UPM

Free admission


Liquid crystals, known since the nineteenth century, started to be used in commercial applications three decades ago, as B/W screens for small portable devices, such as watches and calculators. Since then and particularly in this century, CL screens are having a spectacular development and are currently the preferred alternative in most of the application areas: direct view screens of big area for PCs and TVs, microdisplays for mobile phones or tables, projectors, electronic cinema, simulators, 3D screens, etc.

The lecturer will analize liquid crystals materials and will highlight their essential features - Electrical anisotropy and birefringence- to be applied in screens. After that, the lecturer will show the direct and multiplexed operating modes and how these modes will be applied to passive and active matrix displays with the most important configurations – twist, IPS, VAN. To end some examples of screens will be shown.

Further information and contact details:
Dr. José Ygnacio Pastor, Organizer and Coordinator Scientific
Department of Material Science. Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
E.T.S. Civil Engineering, First Floor. Profesor Aranguren Road, E28040–Madrid
T. (+34) 913 366 684. F. (+34) 913 366 680. jypastor@mater.upm.es

Tag: Materials for the Future    Source: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Event date:

21/01/2013 - 21/01/2013

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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