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Public introduction and progress evaluation of the project CIE Campus Moncloa

The CIE Campus Moncloa will introduce the progress achieved in its international project at the Assembly Hall of Museo Reina Sofía of Madrid on October 20.


The CIE Campus Moncloa will introduce the progress achieved in its international project at the Assembly Hall of Museo Reina Sofía of Madrid on October 20.

Download pdf presentation: CIE Campus Moncloa: The progress of the project (spanish text)

The following projects will be introduced in the event:

1. The selected projects presented in the first phase of 2011 Call, according to the Resolution of General Secretary of Universities.

2. The projects evaluated in the International Commission in previous calls and without obtaining the qualification CIE or Regional CIE.

3. The Regional CIE projects that obtained the qualification in previous calls to 2010 and have applied for reclassification.

4. The CIE and Regional CIE projects that are asking for additional funding trough an agreement with their Autonomous Community

5. The CIE and Regional CIE projects that obtained the qualification in 2009 and are introducing their results.

The International Commission will meet to discuss these issues on October 20 and 21

Tag: General Affairs    Source: CEI Campus Moncloa

Event date:

20/10/2011 - 21/10/2011

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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