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4000-2500 M.a.

Archean, from the Greek term for origin.

The oldest preserved rocks of terrestrial origin come from this age. The Earth's surface cools down and the first continents are formed – they are much smaller than those that currently exist. Volcanic gases result in a primitive atmosphere rich in methane, carbon dioxide and water vapour, but no free oxygen. When the surface cools the water vapour condenses and gives rise to the first oceans.

Las rocas arcaicas registran la presencia de vida desde hace 3.500 M.a., son los primeros fósiles de organismos procariotas (células sin núcleo diferenciado), que se disponen en formaciones laminares llamadas estromatolitos. Al comienzo, los organismos quimiosintéticos debieron ser los más abundantes, pero pronto aparecen los primeros organismos fotosintéticos (cianobacterias) capaces de usar la luz del Sol como fuente de energía para sus funciones vitales. Este proceso resultará fundamental para la historia de la Biosfera.

Stromatolites at Hamelin Pool (Australia).
Organisms Archean
Organisms similar to this cyanobacteria proliferated in the Archean.

Hadean ~4600-4000 M.a.
Archean 4000-2500 M.a.
Proterozoic 2500-541 M.a.
Cambrian 541-485 M.a.
Ordovician 485-443 M.a.
Silurian 443-419 M.a.
Devonian 419-359 M.a.
Carboniferous 359-299 M.a.
Permian 299-252 M.a.
Triassic 252-201 M.a.
Jurassic 201-145 M.a.
Cretaceous 145-66 M.a.
Paleogene 66-23 M.a.
Neogene 23-2,6 M.a.
Quaternary 2,6 M.a.-act.

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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