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Workshop on Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials

April 29th, 2013

Nano surfaces

11:00 Inaugural talk by Juan Rojo (UCM, Royal Academy of Science of Spain)
Nanostructures: where surface matters
12:00 Raquel González Arrabal (Nuclear Fusion Institute, UPM)
New materials to work under extreme conditions: nanomaterials for radiation environments
13:00 Colloquium with the participation of Teresa Guerrero (Science Journalist. El Mundo)


15:00 Enrique Calleja (ISOM-UMP)
Functional materials in the nanotechnology era,  what are they? what for?
16:00 Ceferino López (ICCM-CSIC)
Order and disorder in photonic materials
17:00 Colloquium with the participation of Javier Gregori (Science Journalist. Cadena Ser)

April 30th, 2013

Nano-carbon and graphene

11:00 Dra. Cristina Gómez-Navarro (UAM)
Low dimensional SP2 carbon materials: nanotubes and graphene
12:00 Mª del Mar García Hernández (ICCM-CSIC)
13:00 Colloquium with the participation of Jaime Vicente (Science Journalist. La Razón)

All the talks and colloquiums will be in English / Todas las ponencias y mesas redondas serán en inglés

Organised with the collaboration of the third year students of the Materials Engineering degree of the UPM / Organizado con la colaboración de los alumnos de tercero del Grado de Ingeniería de Materiales de la UPM


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Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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