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Análisis de cuencas sedimentarias

Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Instituto de Geociencias (IGEO)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas


The contributions of the Research Group UCM 910429 Sedimentary Basin Analysis would focus on two thematic clusters / General Performances of Campus of International Excellence - Moncloa: 1) Global Change and New Energies, and 2) Heritage.

1) Within Thematic Cluster of Global Change and New Energy Research Group UCM 910429 has trained staff to contribute their knowledge and act on the following lines:
- Multidisciplinary research in the field of environmental technologies
- CO2 capture and storage.
- Modelling, prevention and control of risks and natural disasters and geohazards
- Monitoring of natural disasters in alluvial and coastal systems
- Analysis of the risks of floods, storms and hurricanes.
- Assessment of the impacts of climate change. The subject will be approached from different time scales, ranging from the geological periods until the end of the XXI century.
- Study of risk scenarios induced by climate change.
The actions of the members of the Group in the General Performance of Global Change and New Energies could take the possible participation in:
- The potential UPM-UCM Joint Center for Environmental Research Moncloa (CIMAM)
- Potential Research Network on Natural Hazards

2) Within Thematic Cluster of Heritage the Research Group UCM 910429 has trained staff to contribute their knowledge and act on the conservation of geological and paleontological heritage with a specialized form and a multidisciplinary approach.
The actions of the members of the Group in the General Action of Heritage could take the possible participation in the potential Laboratory Network of Science and Technology in Heritage Conservation (REDLABPAT).

  • Global Change and New Energies priority lines
  • Observation of the System Earth and Space

  • Cultural Heritage priority lines
  • Natural Heritage




Group imagen
José Ramón Mas Mayoral
Consuelo Arias Ordás

UCM reference: 910429



Sequence Stratigraphy.




Subsidence Evolution.

Thermal History.


Environment and Risks.

Environmental Management.

Energy Resources.

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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