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Astronomía espacial - Gestión de recursos astronómicos


Books and Inbooks

  • Gómez de Castro A.I., Shea M.A. (eds.). Stars, Galaxies and Star Formation History in the UV. ELSEVIER-ISSN 0273-1177
    Year: 2014       ISBN: 0273-1177
  • Gómez de Castro, A.I. The Universe in Ultraviolet Light. UV Radiation: Properties, Effects, and Applications. James A. Radosevich (ed.) (Inbook)
    Year: 2014       ISBN: 978-1-63321-090-5
  • Shustov. B., Sachkov, M.., Bisikalo, D., Gómez de Castro, A.I. The World Space Observatory -UV Project as a Tool for Exoplanet Science.Characterizing Stellar and Exoplanetary Environments. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 411. Lammer, Helmut, Khodachenko, Maxim (Eds.), 2015. (Inbook)
    Year: 2014       ISBN: 978-3-319-09749-7
  • Gómez de Castro A.I.. Young Stellar Objects and Protostellar Disks. Planets, Stars and Stellar Systems, Volume 4: Stellar Structures and Evolution, vol. 4 (Inbook)
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-94-007-5614-4
  • Gómez de Castro Ana I., Sánchez Doreste N., Sestito P. (eds.científicos). Universo Ultravioleta (Ultraviolet Universe)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978-84-9938-132-9
  • Shustov B., Gómez de Castro Ana I., Sachkov M, Dopita M. (eds.). UV Astronomy: Ultraviolet Astronomy 2011
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978-94-0072-572-0
  • Gómez de Castro Ana I., Sánchez Doreste N., Sestito P., López Martinez F. et al.. The Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Instrument for the World Space Observatory – Ultraviolet.
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978-84-9938-105-3
  • Gómez de Castro Ana I. La ciencia espacial y el proyecto World Space Obervatory- Ultraviolet (WSO-UV). II Seminario sobre actividades espaciales y derecho: 43-53.2012 (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978-84-614-6018-2
  • Gómez de Castro Ana I. The birth of planetary systems. Postcards from the Edge of the Universe: 35-36. 2010 (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-3-923524-64-b
  • Gómez de Castro Ana I., Brosch N. eds. Space astronomy: the UV window to the universe. First conference organized by the Network of Ultraviolet Astronomy, 320. 2009
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-90-481-3005-4


Ana Inés Gómez de Castro

UCM reference: 910509


Ultraviolet Astronomy.

Space Telescope.


Space Optical.

Scientific Operations Center.


Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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