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Semiconductores III-V



  • PCT/ES2009/070041. Uso de material modificado en su topografía superficial en dispositivos que generen una corriente eléctrica a partir de luz incidente
    Scope: National
    Inventors: P. A. Postigo, L. Martínez, Alfonso Rodríguez, Fernando Briones, Yolanda González, Luisa González, Lucio Andreani, Matteo Galli, Antonio Luque, Antonio Martí, C. Algora y Beatriz Galiana
    Year: 2009
    License: No
  • EP10382076.7 . Method implemented in a computer for the numerical simulation of semiconductor devices comprising tunnel junctions
    Scope: International
    Inventors: I. García, P. Espinet, C. Algora, I. Rey-Stolle, M. Baudrit
    Year: 2010
    License: No



Group imagen
Carlos Algora del Valle


Solar cell.

III-V Semiconductors.


Materials characterization.

Device modelling.

Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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