Campus Moncloa
Campus of International Excellence
Sustainable mobility
The Sustainable Mobility Cluster try to establish ways of research that nowadays point at the development of an advanced transport system, ecological, safe and accessible. For this, Moncloa Campus has significant resources and research groups in most areas of transport, different ways of transport, as well as, their integration into the transportation system, its effectiveness, socioeconomic and environmental impact, telecommunications and other. Also, in the long career of member of the Campus universities have collaboration agreements with all relevant companies business infrastructure, vehicles and services, energy and transport technologies.
Sustainable mobility Director Plan (Spanish text)
Priority lines
- Electromobility: Models and Technologies
- Mobility: analysis and Modeling
- Information Systems and Communication in the Transport
- Intermodality: Models and Technology
Mobility Observatory (Spanish text)
Acrónimo | Nombre | Filiación ppal |
AOCG | Grupo de Óptica Aplicada | UCM |
CEDINT | Centro de Domótica Integral | UPM |
CEHINAV | Canal de Ensayos Hidrodinámicos de la E.T.S.I. Navales | UPM |
CIBERSOMOSAGUAS | Grupo de investigación de la Cibercultura y los Movimientos Sociales | UCM |
CITEF | Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías Ferroviarias | UPM |
GELEO | Generación Eléctrica con Energia Eólica | UPM |
INSIA | Instituto Universitario de Investigación del Automóvil | UPM |
ISCAR | Ingeniería de Sistemas Control, Automatización y Robótica | UCM |
tGIS | Transport, Infrastructure & Territory | UCM |
208 | Teorías Efectivas en Física Moderna | UCM |
209 | Ecología evolutiva vegetal y restauración ecológica | UCM |
558 | Centro de Electrónica Industrial | UPM |
561 | Centro de Investigación del Transporte | UPM |
563 | Grupo de Aplicación de Telecomunicaciones Visuales | UPM |
564 | Instituto de Magnetismo Aplicado | UCM |
566 | Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Marítima y Portuaria | UPM |
567 | Transporte Aéreo | UPM |
Total: 18
News of the cluster
- International Mentor Program (IMP) USA-Europe
- Open call MIT-Spain - CEI Moncloa Seed Fund
- Registration is open for the new Master in Disaster Management of the Moncloa Campus
- Open call for the 1st Competition of Ideas and Projects for a better use of urban underground energy of Madrid Subterra
- International Volunteer Program of the Public Universities in the Community of Madrid