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Discourse and Communication in English: Cognitive-linguistic and Functional Approaches


Books and Inbooks

  • Juana I. Marín Arrese, Marta Carretero, Jorge Arús & Johan van der Auwera, (eds.) (2013) English Modality: Core, Periphery and Evidentiality. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-3-11-028632-8
  • Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2013) Stancetaking and Inter/Subjectivity in the Iraq Inquiry: Blair vs. Brown. In: Juana I. Marín-Arrese, Marta Carretero, Jorge Arús and Johan van der Auwera (eds.) English Modality: Core, Periphery and Evidentiality. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Inbook)
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-3-11-028632-8
  • Martínez, M. Angeles, Blanca Kraljevic, and Laura Hidalgo-Downing. (2013) “Multimodal Narrativity in TV Ads.” In Barry Pennock-Speck and María Milagros del Saz Rubio (eds.) The Multimodal Analysis of Television Commercials. Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València. 91-111. (Inbook)
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-84-370-9145-7
  • Hidalgo Downing, Laura y Begoña Núñez Perucha (2013). Modality and personal pronouns as indexical markers of stance: Intersubjective positioning and construction of public identity in media interviews. En Juana I. Marin-Arrese, Marta Carretero, Jorge Arús Hita, Johan van der Auwera (eds.). English Modality. Core, Periphery and Evidentiality. Berlin: De Gruyter. 379-410. (Inbook)
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-3-11-028632-8
  • Domínguez Romero, Elena & Jorge Braga Riera (2013). Source Language Interference in Teaching Subject Matter Content through English in Spanish Tertiary Education Bilingual and Multilingual Education. In Abelló-Contesse et al. Bilingual and Multilingual Education in the 21st Century: New Initiatives Anchored in Experience. Multilingual Matters: Bristol. ISBN-13: 978-1-78309-070 (Inbook)
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-1-78309-070
  • Bobkina, Jelena, & Elena Domínguez Romero (2013). English Language Learning in Tertiary Education: An Approach to Undergraduate Motivation and Attitudes Towards English as a Core Subject in English Language Degrees. In Francisco Santillán Campos Ed. Prácticas Educativas y Sociales. Umbral Editorial: Mexico ISBN: 978-607-8254-82-8 (Inbook)
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-607-8254-82-8
  • Domínguez Romero, Elena (2013). Anglophilia and Popular Culture in the Francoist Spanish Press: The Case of Three Shakespearean Representations as Reviewed in the Francoism. In Andrada Fă tu-Tutoveanu et al. Eds. Press, Propaganda and Politics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: New Castle. pp. 80-96 ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-4323-2 (Inbook)
    Year: 2013       ISBN: 978-1-4438-4323-2
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. (2012). At a loss for words or how to respond to compliments: A contrastive study of English and Spanish. In Fernández Amaya, L. et al. (eds). New Perspectives on (Im)politeness and Interpersonal Communication. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 157-173. (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 1-4438-4171-4
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. y Arús Hita, J. (2012). Las apariencias engañan: análisis contrastivo de adverbios de cotilleo en español e inglés. En Placencia, M. E. y García, C. (eds.). Pragmática y comunicación intercultural en el mundo hispanohablante. Londres: Rodopi, pp. 233-254. (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 0925-8620
  • Braga Riera, Jorge y Maíz Arévalo, C. (2012). "Commonizing": la derivación implícita de los antropónimos ingleses. En Braga Riera, J. (ed.) La suerte de los nombres propios: léxico y ortografía. Madrid: Sílex, pp. 13-33. (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978-84-7737-604-0
  • Núñez Perucha, Begoña (2012). La funcionalidad de las expresiones idiomáticas en inglés y en español y su implicación para la comunicación intercultural. En Mª Elena Placencia y Carmen García (eds). Pragmática y Comunicación Intercultural en el mundo hispanohablante. Nueva York: Rodopi. 135-157. (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978-90-420-3604-8
  • Domínguez Romero, Elena & Martín de la Rosa, Mª Victoria (2012). The Role of Heuristic Processing in Author/Audience Interaction: The Case of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. In Vladimir Polyakov and Valery Solovyev Eds. Cognitive Modelling in Linguistics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: New Castle pp. 45-63 ISBN: 978-1-4438-3653-1 (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978-1-4438-3653-1
  • Domínguez Romero, Elena & Rubén Jarazo Álvarez (2012). La relevancia del texto referencial en el ámbito de la traducción teatral. Un caso de estudio en la obra de Álvaro Cunqueiro. En Pilar Martino Ed. La traducción en las artes escénicas. Dyckinson: Madrid pp. 201-209 ISBN: 978–84–9031–005 (Inbook)
    Year: 2012       ISBN: 978–84–9031–005
  • Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2011) Spontaneous and Facilitative Events Revisited. In: Pilar Guerrero Medina (ed.) Morphosyntactic Alternations in English: Functional and Cognitive Perspectives. London: Equinox. (ISBN 978 18455374499) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978 18455374499
  • Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2011) Effective vs. Epistemic Stance and Subjectivity in Political Discourse: Legitimising Strategies and Mystification of Responsibility. In Chris Hart (ed.). Critical Discourse Studies in Context and Cognition. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 193-223. (ISBN 978 9027206343) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978 9027206343
  • Stancetaking and Inter/subjectivity in Discourse: A Model of Analysis. In: José R. Ibañez Ibañez & José Francisco Fernández Sánchez (eds. 2011) A View from the South: Contemporary English and American Studies. Almería: Editorial Universidad Almería. (ISBN: 978-84-694-6991-0) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-694-6991-0
  • Domínguez Romero, E. (2011) Elizabeth’s Visual Speeches and the Political Power of Self-Representation and Chastity in Sixteenth Century Female Rulers en Estudios de mujeres. Diferencia, (des)igualdad y justicia. Differences, (in)equality and justice . pp. 120-131. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos (ISBN: 978-84-245-1235-4) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-245-1235-4
  • Domínguez Romero, E. (2011) The New Representation of Women in the Late 16th Century England: England’s Helicon (1600-1614). En Beatriz Domínguez y Auxiliadora Pérez: Issues about Gender, Citizenship and Globalization. Sevilla: l Alfar (ISBN: 978-84-7898-3995) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-7898-3995
  • Núñez Perucha, Begoña (2011). Critical Discourse Analysis and Cognitive Linguistics as tools for ideological research: A diachronic analysis of feminism. En Christopher Hart (ed.) Critical Discourse Studies in Context and Cognition. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 97-117. (ISBN 978 9027206343) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978 9027206343
  • Blanco Gómez, M.L. (2011) ‘Some Teaching Tips to Keep Students (and Teachers) motivated: A Key Element in the Training of EFL Teachers’. First International Conference on English for International and Intercultural Communication. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza. ISBN: 978-84-15274-20-9. (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-15274-20-9
  • Jorge Arús, J., Carmen Cazorla, C., Domínguez, E. y Fernández Pampillón, A. (2011). Una Propuesta de Modelo de Explotación de CV-UCM para Fortalecer los Másteres de Filología. En: Fernández Chamizo, Carmen et al.: VI Jornada Campus Virtual UCM. Madrid: Vicerrectorado de Informática y Comunicaciones, UCM (ISBN: 978-84-694-4095-7) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-694-4095-7
  • Arús, J., Fernández Pampillón, A., Lahoz, J. M., Domínguez, E. Armas, I. (2011) Learning Object Management for IT-Illiterate Instructors. EDULEARN 11 Barcelona (ISBN: 978-84-615-0441-1) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-84-615-0441-1
  • Fernández Pampillón, A., Domínguez, E., Lahoz, J.M., Armas, I. y Arús, J. (2011) A Strategy for the Inductive Generation of Learning Objects in Low-Tech Contexts. 10th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING, Brighton, UK (ISBN: 978-1-908272-23-2) (Inbook)
    Year: 2011       ISBN: 978-1-908272-23-2
  • Blanco Gómez, Mª Luisa & Marín Arrese, Juana I. (eds. 2010) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Universidad Rey Juan Carlos & Dykinson. 1-267 páginas
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2010) Construal and the Use of Impersonalization Strategies in English and Spanish in an FLL Context. En: Martin Pütz & Laura Sicola (eds.) Inside the Learner’s Mind: Cognitive Processing in Second Language Acquisition. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 199-225. (ISBN 978 90 272 3902 0) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978 90 272 3902 0
  • Marín Arrese, Juana I. (2010) Subjectivity and Intersubjectivity in Discourses. En: Mª Luisa Blanco Gómez & Juana I. Marín Arrese (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos & Dykinson. 11-40. (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Maíz Arévalo, Carmen (ed. 2010) Nombre propio e identidad social. Madrid: Sílex. (ISBN: 978-84-7737-4114-4)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-7737-4114-4
  • Blanco Gómez, M. L. (2010) Advertising Techniques in Business Journals: From Information to Persuasion In Blanco Gómez, Mª Luisa y Marín Arrese, J. (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson & Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp. 41-68 (ISBN 978-84-9849-977-3) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Domínguez Romero, E. y Jarazo Álvarez, R. (2010) Legitimizing Galician Cultural Discourse and the Influence of William Shakespeare in Spanish Periodical Faro de Vigo. pp. 165-178. Brasov: Editura Universitatii Transilvania din Brasov. (ISBN: 978-973-598-798-5). (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-973-598-798-5
  • Larsen Pehrzon, M. (2010) The Contextualization of Multimodal Discourse: Some Issues from a Social Semiotic Frame. In Blanco Gómez, Mª Luisa y Marín Arrese, J. (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson & Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp. 245-266 (ISBN 978-84-9849-977-3) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. y Braga Riera, J. (2010) Los nombres poéticos o metafóricos en inglés. En Maíz Arévalo, C. (ed.) Nombre propio e identidad social. Madrid: Sílex, pp. 95-132 (ISBN: 978-84-7737-4114-4) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-7737-4114-4
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. (2010) Intercultural Pragmatics: a contrastive analysis of compliments in English and Spanish. In Blanco Gómez, Mª Luisa y Marín Arrese, J. (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson & Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp. 175-208 (ISBN 978-84-9849-977-3) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. y Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) First Approaches to Listening Acquisition in EFL: Improving Listening Skills at University Level. In Blanco Gómez, Mª Luisa y Marín Arrese, J. (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson & Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp. 225-244 (ISBN 978-84-9849-977-3) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Martínez Martínez, M. A. (2010) An Exercise in Cognitive Poetics: Conceptual Integration in Tom Wait’s “Big Joe and Phantom 309”. In Blanco Gómez, Mª Luisa y Marín Arrese, J. (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson & Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp. 109-136 (ISBN 978-84-9849-977-3) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Núñez Perucha, B. (2010) Cognition, Discourse and Socio-political Research: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. In Blanco Gómez, Mª Luisa y Marín Arrese, J. (eds.) Discourse and Communication: Cognitive and Functional Perspectives. Madrid: Dykinson & Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp. 69-108 (ISBN 978-84-9849-977-3) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-9849-977-3
  • Dafouz Milne, E. y Núñez Perucha, B. (2010). Metadiscursive devices in university lectures: A contrastive analysis of L1 and L2 teacher performance. En Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Tarja Nikula y Ute Smit (eds.) Language Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 213-231. (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 9789027205230
  • Domínguez Romero, E. (2010) Individual Learner Differences in Second Language Acquisition: Peer Tutoring and Tertiary Education EDULEARN 10 Barcelona (ISBN: 978-84-613-9385-5) (Inbook)
    Year: 2010       ISBN: 978-84-613-9385-5
  • Marín Arrese, J.I. (2009) Commitment and Subjectivity in the Discourse of a Judicial Inquiry. En: R. Salkie, P. Busuttil and J. van der Auwera (eds.) Modality in English. Theory and Description. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 237-268. (ISBN 978-3-11-019634-4) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-3-11-019634-4
  • Marín Arrese, J.I. (2009) Passive and Construal: Non-optionality in agentive passives. En: Javier Valenzuela, Ana Rojo & Cristina Soriano (eds.) Trends in Cognitive Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 145-178. (ISBN 978-3-631-57307-5) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-3-631-57307-5
  • Marín Arrese, J.I. (2009) Effective vs. Epistemic Stance, and Subjectivity/ Intersubjectivity in Political Discourse. A Case Study. In: A. Tsangalidis and R. Facchinetti (eds.) Studies on English modality. In honour of Frank R. Palmer. In the series: Linguistic Insights, Studies in Language and Communication, Vol. 111. Berlin: Peter Lang. 23-52. (ISBN 978-3-0343-0310-1) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-3-0343-0310-1
  • Domínguez Romero, E. y Maíz Arévalo, C. (2009) Authentic or Adapted? A Practical Case Study with University Students. In Bretones Callejas, Carmen M. et al (eds.) Applied Linguistics Now: Understanding Language and Mind. Almería: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería pp. 589-689 (ISBN: 978-84-692-1479-4) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-84-692-1479-4
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. y Arús Hita, J. (2009) Modality is more than modal verbs: a pragmatic approach to the teaching of adverbial modality. In Gómez Morón, R. et al (eds.) Pragmatics applied to language teaching and learning. Newscastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 181-196 (ISBN: 1-4438-0972-1) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 1-4438-0972-1
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. (2009) Learning how to promise: a didactic approach to the teaching of speech acts. In Gómez Morón, R. et al (eds.) Pragmatics applied to language teaching and learning. Newscastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 128-140 (ISBN: 1-4438-0972-1) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 1-4438-0972-1
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. (2009) El cambio antroponímico en la Inglaterra medieval: desde las invasiones germánicas al inglés medio de Geoffrey Chaucer. En Cid Abasolo, K. y García Gallarín, C (eds.) Los nombres de persona en la sociedad y en la literatura de tres culturas. Madrid: Sílex, pp. 111-143 (ISBN: 978-84-7737-240-0) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-84-7737-240-0
  • Dafouz Milne, E. y Núñez Perucha, B. (2009) CLIL in Higher Education: devising a new learning landscape. Madrid, Londres: Santillana, Richmond pp. 101-112 (ISBN: 978-84-668-0259-8) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-84-668-0259-8)
  • Domínguez Romero, E. y Maíz Arévalo, C. (2009) Listening Acquisition: (Mis)use of Pragmatic Skills in the Pre-listening Stage. English for Specialised Discourse. University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia (ISBN: 978-9984-39-789-4) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-9984-39-789-4
  • Maíz Arévalo, C. y Domínguez Romero, E. (2009) Evaluación de la comprensión auditiva en las actividades de "gap filling": estudio de un caso práctico con alumnos universitarios. In Gil Montoya, M. Dolores et al. (Eds.) Actas de las II Jornadas de Innovación Docente. Pp. 289-296. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería (ISBN: 978-84-692-3661-1) (Inbook)
    Year: 2009       ISBN: 978-84-692-3661-1


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